Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thanksgiving was spent in OK this year with my family this year.  T and I drove down there the first part of the week and while T met with clients and worked the first half of the week I spent time with friends and took my sweet grandparents to breakfast.  The rest of the week was spent cooking and hanging with my family, going on walks, and T played like 42 holes of golf while we were there.  


Actual Thanksgiving day we celebrated at my mom and stepdad's house with 20 family members.  My mom and I had spent the day before baking pies and prepping all the side dishes so things would go smoothly on actual Thanksgiving day and so things would be low stress.  The meal was yummy and the company was great!   These pictures are of my and my sister K and of me and T.  I think these are the first pictures we have taken with the bump (which happened to be acceptionally large with all the rich food--its now back to its "normal size" about half that!)

The day after Thanksgiving was mom and daughter day for my mom and I so we decided that we would go and look at baby stuff together.  Since we live so far appart my mom is missing out on some of these mom/daughter moments during the pregnancy and really, I miss having my mom around to ask questions and just talk to.  We went to a big baby super store to look at all the gear, because I don't have a clue.  It was fun!  Even when we couldn't figure out how to colapse strollers (eek!).  We then went and got smoothies at my favorite place Jamba Juice (they don't have them in Indiana--boo!) and then decided that we had had enough baby shopping and went to Macy's to poke around.  It was soooo fun!  Then we got mexican take out and met the family at home for a laid back meal of fajitas (that we didn't have to cook!). And my mom and sister got to feel the baby kick while we were there--cool huh?

On the whole it was a relaxing and great holiday week!

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