Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Week

Good morning!  Hope your week is off to a good start!  We are rockin' and rollin' with one sock on, one sock off and our rock hand up.  We had an awesome weekend but it has left me with plenty to do around the house this week.  I am loving staying at home and me and the little miss are starting to get into our own little rhythm, which means this momma can start thinking about more than just the basics. For fun and for the sake of accountability (and because I love a good list), here's what I would like to get done above and beyond the usual grind this week between naps...
  1. Unpack from our trip and put up the suitcases
  2. Finish baby gift thank you's (we have been blessed with a flood of gifts and I am embarrassingly behind)
  3. Finish unpacking china and putting it in our sideboard table
  4. Figure out what kind of light bulb we need for our front light and go buy it
  5. Change out said front light after bulb has been purchased
  6. Pull together a few crafty gifts to send to a few friends and pen pals and get them in the mail  
  7. Plant the basil plant I bought two weeks ago in a pot before it get too root bound in its container
  8. Paint the frame of the mirror I bought at Trade Days in Behr's Steam White  
  9. Hand the above mirror up in its new home
  10. Trim out the guest bathroom so it can be rollered
  11. Pull weeds from beds and yard
We'll see on Friday if I have been too ambitious. What do you have lined up to get done this week?

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